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Announcing Jessie Muntz as our new Associate Program Coordinator

Greetings from Riverside! This fall has been full of life and God at work in so many ways here at camp. We just finished up our first fall Recharge event with over 100 elementary students coming for a weekend full of fun, worship, Bible study, great activities, good food, awesome cabin leaders, and experiencing the amazing love of Jesus Christ. We love seeing the Lord at work at His camp!

In May, we announced Lute Olson would be transitioning into our Program Coordinator position. Lute had been our Associate Program Coordinator before that, which left the Associate Program Coordinator position open. We had a wide variety of awesome, Jesus loving, and gifted leaders apply for this position and we're so thankful for each one of these individuals!

Through the Lord's stirring in unexpected and exciting ways, we are excited to announce that Jessie Muntz (our current Marketing and Events Coordinator) has accepted the call to be our next Associate Program Coordinator. Jessie brings a wide variety of gifts and experience to this position. She is passionate about Jesus and making Him known to all people she encounters. She loves investing in the lives of young people and she speaks and demonstrates the love of Jesus in all she does. She will be a solid leader on our program team as we continue to be laser focused on Jesus in all we do and say.

Here are some words from Jessie:

"Our God has an incredible way of working and I am thrilled to have such peace to step into this new role at Riverside. God planted in me a heart for His people, for discipleship, and I’m ready to jump back into program! Yet again I am simply elated and filled with joy to serve in this capacity, to continue to join in what God is doing at Riverside. Let's give 'em Jesus!"

We look forward to seeing Jessie's leadership flourish here at camp and you'll love being greeted by Jessie's joyfilled smile when you meet her! Join her in prayer as she makes this transition into her new role!

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