Staying in Contact with your Camper
Helpful hints for a successful week of camp and ways to prevent homesickness:
Our desire is for campers to get the most out of their time here. Some campers struggle with homesickness and many have been able to overcome it and still enjoy their week. Other campers do find themselves going home. We hope each of these campers will be willing to try again!
With this in mind, we have developed some ideas that we believe will increase the chances of your camper having a great camp experience.
Tips for Parents
Before you send your child off to camp, make sure to ask him/her if they have any concerns/worries about camp. This way you can address any problems before they occur.
Familiarize your son or daughter with camp. Visit the camp if possible, look at the camp video online, and visit the camp website.
Talking positively about the camp experience.
Don't tell your child how much you're going to miss them while they are gone, or how the house will be empty without them. Instead, tell your child that you will be fine while he/she is gone and that you are looking forward to hearing about his/her adventures at the end of the week.
Do NOT promise your child that you will pick them up if they get homesick. This automatically sets them up for failure and puts their focus more on the "deal" than their experience.
If you worry about your child getting homesick, have them go with a friend or family member if possible. It helps to have a familiar face.
Send letters! Especially before the first day so they have one waiting for them when they get there. You may also leave letters at registration on Sunday for your child. Also, make sure to keep your letters focused on their camp experience and not things that are happening at home.
Make sure your child knows beforehand that they will not be able to talk to you on the phone during the camp week. With this, please avoid phone calls to the camp.
Don't linger at camp too long when dropping them off on the first day.
Remind your child that homesickness is normal, but no reason to go home. Encourage them to talk to their counselors if they find themselves becoming homesick.
Send along a favorite stuffed animal, family picture or other familiar item.
Don't send a cell phone with them and expect them to text you.
What can kids do?
Write letters to your family and friends. They want to know everything you're doing at camp so fill them in!
Bring photos, stuffed animals, or anything else to camp that reminds you of home.
Stay busy while you're at camp. Riverside offers so many fun things to do you won't want to miss out!
If you find yourself missing home, talk to your counselor, he/she is there to help.