Pick-up is on Friday, December 11 from 3:00 - 6:00 pm or Saturday, December 12 from 10:00 am until noon. Come to the parking lot at the Dining Hall and we'll bring it to your car!
Orders due by Thursday, December 10 at 12:00 pm
What is the Camp Food Carry-Out?
Come one, come all! Although we weren't able to serve up camp favorites for 1800+ campers this summer, YOU can come pick-up some of your "food favorites" Friday, December 11 or 12, and enjoy your favorite Riverside dishes at home. The deadline for orders is Thursday, December 10 at 12:00 pm. Thanks to everyone who participated in our many Camp Food Carry-Outs earlier this year! We are overwhelmed by how many of you have come to support Riverside during this time. With so many of you asking for us to do it one more time, we had to go for one last hurrah.
Camp food carry-out is available to anyone, and this is a great opportunity for your family to pick up some excellent food and take a beautiful drive or walk around Riverside.
What is on the menu for carry-out?
Just click this link to view our full menu with prices. This time we are keeping things simple! We will have take and bake pizza, monster cookies, and Oreo Fluff! Get as many of your camp favorites as you would like, and maybe even take an extra pizza to put in the freezer for an easy-to-make meal for later in the week!
How do I make an order, and when is the deadline?
Go to this Google Form and you can complete your order with ease! Orders due by Thursday, December 10!
When and where is pick-up?
You can pick up your order on Friday, December 11 from 3:00 - 6:00 pm or Saturday, December 12 from 10:00 am until noon at the Riverside Dining Hall! Our address is...
3001 Riverside Rd.
Story City, IA 50249
How do I pay?
We ask that you pay by check when you pick up your order, but we do have the ability to take a card if needed.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and support this year!