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November Update

Hello from Riverside all! October seemed to fly by here at Riverside, with so much happening. Before sharing these updates with you, hear these words from Jesus in John 10:

"The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10

Jesus Christ is the source of life-He came that we may have life and have it the fullest. One of our core values here at camp is life changing. A camp experience at Riverside is only life changing because of the Good News of the Gospel. In talking with so many past campers and staff at Riverside, campers from the 1940's and 1950's can remember their camp experience vividly. It's because of God's work here, by the power of the Holy Spirit, that changes the trajectory of people's lives from seeking the things of this world to seeking Jesus first. Thank you for continuing to support the life changing ministry of Riverside through your prayers, support, and generous giving. To God be the glory!

Fall Recharges. We hosted our first two youth weekend Recharge events here in October.

With several safety measures in place, these two weekends were so great. Our Cabin Leaders and campers were so excited for this refreshing, life-giving, fun, and Christ centered weekend. Our last Recharge (Junior High) was rescheduled for November 13-15. You can register today online!

Work Around Camp. Our team has been busy here continuing to make improvements around camp. A few of the highlights:

*Our Retreat Center needed all new HVAC. It now has 3 new units, along with a new hot water heater--ready for your next retreat!

*Our Barn (which includes 2 cabins on the lower level and a large loft with rec space/basketball hoop) just had some work done upstairs to prevent bats from getting into the upstairs. We're excited to use this space more in the future!

*North Heights Cabin Roofs had some roof damage from the Derecho. With the help of insurance, we hope to replace both of these roofs with steel roofs in early December.

*Challenge Course. With the help of staff and volunteers, were cleaning up some areas of our challenge course and excited to add a few new elements to be ready for Summer 2021!

We Need Your Help! Has your home address changed? Gotten rid of your landline and are using only a cell phone? Changed email addresses? We'd love to have your updated information so we can keep you in the loop on what's happening at Riverside. If you think of it, please take 1 minute of your time to email with all of your current information. This not only helps us communicate with you better, it also saves us money from returned postage!

If you have any questions, would like to talk, or desire someone to pray with, we'd love to hear from you!

God bless you,

Chris and the great Riverside Team

1 Comment

Oct 22, 2021

Very creatiive post

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