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Golf, New Staff, and Ways to Engage with the Ministry of Riverside

It's been just over four years since I stepped into this new role as the Executive Director at Riverside. I have been in two other roles on Riverside staff before then-Associate Program Coordinator from 2008-2013 and Program Coordinator 2015-2018. Stepping into this new role has been full of joys and it's fair share of challenges. Through it all, I remind myself consistently of two things: this is the Lord's camp and I can trust Him and that I'm not alone. We have an incredible year around team that is such a joy to partner in ministry with, hundreds of congregations, and thousands of individuals who I know care deeply about the mission and ministry of Riverside. What an encouragement!

As I reflect on these past four years, it has been such a joy to see so many people engage in different ways with the ministry of Riverside. From our prayer warriors to volunteer mowers, from churches leading renovation projects to families giving memorial benches-so many people have been a blessing and have been blessed by their time here at camp. As we move into this next year, how might God be leading you to participate and engage in the mission and ministry of Riverside? Here are a few ways you can prayerfully discern engaging with the ministry:

*Put us on your daily prayer list

*Volunteer: maintenance, cleaning, cooking, office work, medical, hospitality, setups

*Attend a Riverside program that you haven't attended before!

*Be a champion for Riverside in your church by promoting programs and involvement.

*Share about Riverside in your workplace, even organizing a volunteer work day

*Help with events like the Quilt/5K Day, Golf Classic, future Gala type event

*Come serve at camp as a family together on a weekend

*Thrivent members: Giving of Thrivent Funds or Action Team Cards

*Monthly Giving: consider a recurring monthly gift to the ongoing ministry

*Estate Planning: consider Riverside in your estate planning.

If you're interested in engaging more with the ministry of Riverside, I'd love to connect with you! Call or email me at 515-733-5271 or

Fall Golf Classic

Wow! What an incredible day it was for this year's Fall Golf Classic. We had a record number of golfers (35 teams, 135 golfers) that joined us at Ames Golf and Country Club for a great day joyfully supporting the continued mission of Riverside. All together on the day, we took in over $22,000 in gifts for the ministry--praise God! To see pictures of the day, click here. More information to come on next year's tournament soon!

Left to Right: Gabby Hartmann and Emily Ordonez

New Staff Members

We are blessed with an incredible year around staff here at Riverside! In September, we welcomed two new members to our year around full time time: Gabby Hartmann (our new Program Coordinator) and Emily Ordonez (our new Hospitality Associate). We also welcome two new Youth Ministry Team members on contract for the school year: Conner Freerks (serving at camp and Bethesda Lutheran Church in

Jewell) and Bre Hilton (serving at camp and Zion St. John Lutheran Church in Sheffield). Join me in praying for and welcoming them to the Riverside staff!

We're so grateful for your partnership in the Gospel!

God bless you,

Chris and the Riverside Team


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